Accented Philosophy

023. The Ethics of OnlyFans and online sex work

Ezechiel Thibaud and Andreas Matthias Season 1 Episode 23

In this episode, Ezechiel and Andy discuss the recent debate about OnlyFans and whether online sex work is better or worse than conventional prostitution. What exactly are the moral problems of sites like OnlyFans, and how can and should this kind of work be regulated and controlled?

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Music: Nightlife by Michael Kobrin, from:

00:00:57 What is OnlyFans?
00:04:22 Should platforms be allowed to censor content?
00:08:42 Should Facebook be run by the government?
00:12:29 Is pornography immoral?
00:17:09 Does pornography harm the performers?
00:19:16 Is online sex different from offline prostitution?
00:24:35 Can we ask platforms to regulate themselves?
00:27:48 How to police social media?
00:32:59 Labour laws and protections for online creators
00:37:31 Freelancing: are delivery drivers different from poets?

Next time: Online dating.

Accented Philosophy - Every Tuesday (or thereabouts)